En eftermiddag om Eritreas modernistiska huvudstad Asmara Lördagen den 26 oktober kl 13.00-16.30
Plats: Italienska kulturinstitutet, Gärdesgatan 14
Under seminariet presenteras den unika 1900-talsarkitekturen i Asmara skapad under den italienska kolonisationen, och som 2017 utsågs av UNESCO till Världsarv. Stadens arkitektur kommer att belysas ur skilda perspektiv. Sammanförandet av italienska, internationella och inhemska kopplingar har skapat en originalitet i arkitekturen, vilket också byggde på en osmansk bakgrund i tidigare huvudstaden Massawa.
Detta forskningsprojekt är ett samarbete mellan Svenska Institutet i Rom och Svenska Forskningsinstitutet i Istanbul (SFII). Medverkande: Kristian Göransson, lektor vid Göteborgs universitet; Maria Mellgren, byggnadsantikvarie; Johan Mårtelius, professor vid KTH; Gertrud Olsson, lektor vid Göteborgs universitet; Greger Widgren, ambassadör.
Som gästföreläsare deltar Antonello Alici, lektor vid Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona.
Seminariet är på engelska. Anmälan senast 20 oktober genom att mejla till direktör Maria Sica, e-post: direttore.iicstoccolma@esteri.it
Läs om Asmara i senaste nummer av Romhorisont (nr 70/2019).
The World Heritage Asmara
Half day seminar at Istituto Italiano di Cultura /Italienska kulturinstitutet in Stockholm, Saturday October 26, 13.00–16.30
This seminar will present and discuss a research project related to Asmara, the architecturally expressive capital of Eritrea. The architecture, belonging to the first half of the 20th century, is a product of Italian colonialism, but also reaches back to Asmara’s predecessor with Ottoman roots, Massawa. The project considers aspects of regional, classical, Italian, Ottoman and ”international style” identities, in perspectives ranging from the urban scale to architectural details. The presentation will focus on specific architectural cases in Asmara and Massawa, explored by the project team in study visits during 2018, but also consider the position of the Eritrean cities in a globalized historiography.
In 2017 Asmara was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The criteria fulfilled were thus summarized: “The authenticity of local intangible attributes manifested in language, cultural practices, identity, and sense of place have been retained through Asmara’s evolution from an indigenous centre of economy and administration, through a colonial capital, to a modern African capital.” The project is a collaboration between the Swedish Institute in Rome and the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul (SRII).
Invited lecturer: Antonello Alici, PhD, assistant professor at Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona
The project members: Kristian Göransson, PhD, former director of the Swedish Institute in Rome Maria Mellgren, MSc, Conservation of Built Environment Johan Mårtelius, Professor, KTH Architecture; former director of SRII Gertrud Olsson, PhD, senior lecturer HDK Steneby/Göteborgs universitet, scholar at SRII Greger Widgren, Former ambassador, member of the Research Collegium at SRII
Please register for attending before October 20. RSVP to the director Maria Sica