Institutets Research seminars

På grund av rådande restriktioner har många av de inplanerade aktiviteterna tyvärr inte kunnat genomföras. I väntan på att kunna erbjuda er ett nytt spännande program tipsar vi er om att följa Institutets intressanta seminarier.

Research Seminars 2021 (January – March), Thursdays at 17.00 on Zoom

(register first time at–qpzIuHtwnFCSLwv_6qhm0nj5qxZu4)

Astrid Capoferro (The Swedish Institute of Classical Studies in Rome)
“En bortglömd text: Flavia Capitolinas gravinskrift” (in Swedish)

Gustav Zamore (Centre for Medieval Studies, Stockholm University)
Medieval Contestations of Sacred Space: Rome and Beyond

Magnus Borg (Dept. of History, Stockholm University/ Fellow at The Swedish Institute in Rome, 20/21)
Solidity and Inconstancy: Roman Spolia and the Semiotics of Culture

Hampus Olsson (Dept. of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund University/ Fellow at The Swedish Institute in Rome, 20/21)
The Biedano Region 480-50 BC: Political and Socio-Cultural Development in a South Etruscan Town and Its Hinterland

Kristian Göransson (Dept. of Historical Studies, Gothenburg University)
Francavilla di Sicilia: Resultat från institutets utgrävningar 2016-2018” (in Swedish)

Simon Malmberg (Dept. of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion, University of Bergen)
Understanding Ancient Rome as a Port City: A Survey of the Banks of the Tiber

Ragnar Hedlund (Uppsala University Coin Cabinet)
Roman Emperors and Local Elites in Asia Minor

Johan Eriksson (Dept. of Art History, Uppsala University) presents his latest book The Condottiere Prince – A Visual Rhetoric: Leonello d’Este, Sigismondo Malatesta, Alessandro Sforza, Federico da Montefeltro (Editorial Committee of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome, 2020)

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